Sunday 10 March 2013

naturally new carpets..

Unfortunately, I am still waiting patiently for the chance to upgrade my upstairs lounge into some lovely wooden floorboards. Until then I have to make do with the 70's carpet that I have been dealt. It's actually not to bad, luckily the previous owner didn't like green shagpile carpet but stuck to a fairly neutral short style carpet. I still feel like every now & then it needs a 'big refresh'. I like to know what I'm breathing in & also have little ones crawling around so I investigated a natural carpet freshener & would like to let you in on it. It's super easy & my lounge smells amazing!

Here is what you do..

1. Clean out a jar

2. Put 1 Cup of Bicarb of Soda into it & add 100 drops of Essential Oil (I used mandarin & lemongrass)

3. Pop the lid on the Jar & give it a good shake

4. Leave it for 24 hours

5. Sprinkle over the carpet (I put mine on the lounge too)

 6. Leave for 20 minutes

7. Vacuum away

8. Breathe deep...

See Easy Peasy!

The Lemon Canary x

Wednesday 6 March 2013

extra virgin coconut oil in your bathroom..

Being a 'mixer' of all things natural I like to dabble with my kitchen products in my bathroom. There is nothing I enjoy more than creating my own beauty products from natural everyday items, it really is so easy and often much cheaper then store bought beauty products. Not having all those yucky additives is just a bonus!

One of my favourites is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO). I use it to make Body Scrubs, Hair Masks, Baths or even just a beautiful moisturiser. I use it every day - it is 100% natural and smells divine - almost like our Lemon Canary Toucan Candle.. mmmm.. 

You can pick up some EVCO at you local health food store or in the Organic section at some supermarkets. 
Here are some ideas on how to use it..

1. Use a little bit as a moisturiser on your face after a shower.
2. Before you hop into the shower put some in a little bowl with some sea salt or brown/raw sugar use a washcloth and rub it all over for a divine natural exfoliant.
3. Apply on legs after a shower - just be sure to wipe the excess off with a towel - please make sure the oil is soaked in so you don't get it on sheets or clothes. (Please note - oils & silks don't mix).
4. Use a mixture of coconut oil & salt/sugar scrub for dry cracked heels and rub with a pumice stone.
5. Massage Coconut Oil into scalp, leave for 10 minutes with warm towel (I sometimes do this while sitting in the bath) then shampoo hair out well afterwards.

This is just to get you started, Enjoy my beautiful people 

The Lemon Canary x