Tuesday 25 June 2013

why adding less is more..

I have been inspired recently to try and let my beautiful customers know more about my beautiful candles and why they are the best choice possible. A good starting point on this journey is to try and let you know why I don't offer some things in my candles. Something I get asked a lot about is triple scented candles, why aren't Lemon Canary Candles triple scented? 

Lemon Canary produces candles of the highest quality with the least toxic effect whilst still offering you the best possible product. However, there are some places I won't go, one of these is adding synthetic additives to 'triple scent'. These additives are made of polymer , they increase opacity and enhance colour, they allow the wax to hold more fragrance oil without the fragrance separating from the mixture, this enables the candlemaker to put twice or even three times as much fragrance oil into their mixture. This means that when using and burning these candles you are inhaling 3 x times more fragrance oil than a Lemon Canary candle and also the additional polymer.

Lemon Canary candles are scented with only the oil that the wax can hold naturally. There are no additional nasties or additives. Rest assured when you buy my candles you are buying ethically from a candle maker who would not sell a candle she wouldn't use around her home and children and who is passionate about her products.

The Lemon Canary x

Saturday 22 June 2013

quark & peach parcels

I had a lovely container of organic quark and found a great recipe which I have tweaked a little bit to my style of eating... enjoy.



1/2 level teaspoon celtic sea salt 
1 level teaspoon vanilla paste 
125 grams organic quark 
60 grams milk 
30 grams rapadura sugar 
zest of 1 lemon 
60 grams extra virgin olive oil 
300 grams spelt flour 
1-2 heaped teaspoon baking powder 


370 grams organic quark 
1 organic egg 
1 level teaspoon vanilla paste 
30 grams sultanas soaked in grand mariner or rum
50 grams butter 
80 grams rapadura sugar 
1 level tablespoons cornflour 
peaches, cut in half, canned or fresh 
icing sugar to dust



Add lemon zest and sugar into TM bowl and mill for 20sec/speed 10. Add salt, vanilla, 125g quark, milk and oil and mix 20sec/speed 5. Add flour and baking powder, mix on speed 6 for 10 seconds. Then knead interval speed 1 minute. Set aside in fridge for 30 minutes.


Mix butter and sugar for 1 minute/speed 5. Add other ingredients (not the fruit and sultanas) and mix for 1 minute/speed 6. Add sultanas and stir for 10sec/speed 2.

Roll dough to about 3mm thin and cut into squares. Pop 1 tablespoon of filling into each square and pop a peach on top, then bring the four corners together. Brush with milk and bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes. Dust with icing sugar while still warm.

The Lemon Canary xx