Monday 11 July 2011

new life & love to empty jars..

wondering what to do with your empty Lemon Canary candle jars or your old sauce bottles.. here are some ideas.. remember you can also return them, for a discount off your next candle..

make your own chandelier out of old jars
twist some wire around your old jars to make these gorgeous lanterns

old wine bottles make the perfect dinner accompaniment
turn your old jars into eco friendly soap dispensars
what a gorgeous way to display flowers from the garden, add a bow or lace for something special
put a group of small odd jars together in your bathroom
lovely along the footpath or tables for after dark entertaining

knit a cosy for your jar and fill it with flowers.. LOVE
keep your odd buttons in an old jar, then you'll always know where they are!
rather than buying jars use old ones for things like grain, sugar, salt etc
hang a few old jars under a market umbrellas rungs and add tealights
display your favorite pics in a group on a small dresser, keep them upside down to stop dust getting in
you could also put the lid on and add keepsakes to the photos like old movie stubs, a strand of hair, shells
or something that reminds you of that person.

get creative.. if you have any other great ideas please post them..
and think twice before throwing out your next empty jar..

The Lemon Canary x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these - they are great ideas and so many of them look beautiful. Always good to reuse and recycle xo
