Monday 3 March 2014

Finding Your Why?

This week I'm doing lots of thinking on my why.
Why do I peel myself out of bed and go to the gym at 5am?
Why do I work crazy hours with sometimes little reward?
Why do I do some of the things I do even though they are difficult?

I think finding out our why in life absolutely leads to finding our happy place, and ultimately our happiness. Each of us have a calling, that deep voice down in our souls that beckons us, that makes us do these crazy things. Knowing your why makes getting your butt into gear easier!

I wrote down some of the things I do and then wrote my why beside them. I know now that I get out of bed at 5am to go to the gym because I want a strong body that can work hard and create enough freedom for me to have an impact on the world by changing the things I believe need to change. I know that going to the gym takes time but I also know that this time will be taken from me later in life with illness if I don't go. There is always a price to pay when we don't nurture our minds and bodies.

In the past I sometimes felt selfish for exercising, for taking time away from my family and perhaps giving up other things, I had the pleasure of listening to Michelle Bridges speaking a few weeks ago and she again mentioned this incredible truth, that by loving ourselves and looking after ourselves we are being unselfish, not selfish. By taking time out to relax, strengthen the body and do something for ourselves we are better wives, mothers, fathers, husbands and friends. 

Only when we start within and love ourselves can we start spreading and sharing that love with others, it is infectious and incredible. When we are happy and self fulfilled we create a ripple effect that spreads to all living things. The old saying 'smile and the world smiles with you', nothing truer. 

So a small challenge, look in the mirror today and smile at yourself, because when you start to see that incredible beauty that only you offer, others will too. Find your reason, your why and the clarity will overwhelm you.

The Lemon Canary


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